Safety and Security


We all wish to live safe and secure lives at home and within our community.

Taking steps to prevent accidents in your home will help you live safely, free from falls or other injuries.  Councils in Northern Ireland offer free Home Safety Checks to those aged 65 or older with the aim of reducing accidental injury or death caused by accidents in or around the home. 
In addition, the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service offers Home Fire Safety Checks to those in our community that are aged 60 or older.


An older lady looks out here window.Looking after your personal security means keeping yourself and your home free from intentional harm. Crimes against older people can have a devastating effect.

On average, though, you are less likely to be the victim of crime when compared to other age groups. Nevertheless, these statistics take no account of the fear of crime or worries you may have for your personal safety as you become older.

You should recognise that the fear of crime too can have severe effects on your health, impacting on your physical and mental well-being.

If you live in isolation, this fear is heightened. Concerns about your safety may lead you to reduce your levels of physical activity or social interactivity. You will then become less confident and more isolated, beginning a vicious circle that may prevent you from living a fulfilling life.

This section, therefore, will help you improve your confidence by preventing accidents in the home. It will also help you feel more secure in your own home and highlight initiatives in our community that aim to combat crime and the fear of crime.