Direct Payments


Direct Payments enable you to stay in your own home and live as independently as possible.

Legislation provides that Trusts can give service users money, by way of Direct Payments, to provide for their own care needs. This means that you can purchase your own services to meet your needs rather than have the services arranged by the Trust.

The overall purpose of direct payments is to give you, as a service user, greater independence and control over your daily life. It allows you to decide who cares for you and how the money is spent.

Direct payments can be used for:

  • Employing a care worker
  • Buying services from a voluntary or private agency
  • Buying equipment
  • Paying for adaptations to the home

You can check to see whether you are eligible to receive Direct Payments or how these payments will be provided to you. Remember, though, that managing Direct Payments requires certain responsibilities on your part. Thankfully, there are organisations which can support and assist you to manage you own community care services.

Further Information

Extensive guides and guidance on Direct Payments can be found on the Department of Health website.