Health and Well-Being


Maintaining our health and well-being, particularly in old age when we are more susceptible to ailments, is extremely important.

Tennis keeps this lady fit and happy.It is therefore imperative that you look after yourself, keep active and adopt a healthy attitude because these are the ingredients for greater fulfilment and positive ageing.

Here we will help you to improve your energy levels, eat sensibly and drink sensibly

One of the key aspects of maintaining your well-being is to have a positive outlook so that you can enjoy life to the full. The feeling of isolation or social exclusion is detrimental to your health so you have to combat loneliness. The whole point of this website is to help you connect online, find the information you need and enjoy new friendships or experiences.

Another objective of Rights 4 Seniors is to highlight the great contribution that older people make to our society and the life that you are entitled to enjoy. You can volunteer and give even more to your community.  You can join groups to further your education or just have fun learning.

There will be opportunities for you to gain new skills, volunteer to keep yourself active or even befriend those who are less well off. In fact, even by connecting online you are helping to keep feelings of isolation at bay.